
Microbiome improvement for high-performance horticulture

Imagine a world where crops are so strong that they...

  • …Do not require pesticide…
  • …Deliver strong and robust plants…
  • …Need less energy, water and fertilizer...
  • …Are sustainable, environmentally friendly and safe…

At Blomitec we make this dream reality. We unleash the beneficial power of natural microorganisms that live in and outside the plant, designing robust crops that grow with a minimal input of chemicals and energy.

Microbiome Improvement

The importance of microorganisms for plant growth is known for decades, but it has remained virtually impossible to reliably steer the natural plant microbiome to obtain desired plant traits. Blossom’s proprietary Microbiome Improvement Technology solves this issue. We have developed targeted interventions that cleans the microbiomes from parasitic organisms, rescuing and stimulating the beneficial ones and ensuring robust plants and reliable yields. We use state-of-the art DNA-based technology combined with a specially developed artificial intelligence algorithm to identify and stimulate the probiotic microorganisms naturally contributing to robust plant growth. Our technology is 100% organic, GMO-free, and compatible with existing production systems.

Benefits of microbiome improvement

Our microbiome improvement technology offers a fast, targeted and effective plant enhancement. Our services are available along the whole value chain including:


We Compensate traits lost during phenotype selection


We reduce plant heterogeneity and mortality.


We ensure that plants reach the desired quality in the existing production facilities.


We provide a longer shelf life and reduce spoiling by rots and pathogens


We provide a comprehensive service package to redesign your plants and production conditions, specifically improving plant characteristics required for the efficient and sustainable production of high-quality plants.

  1. Audit and diagnostic: We scan your plant and growth environment to generate a personalized database. We then combine a comprehensive use state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technology combined with our specially developed artificial intelligence platform to discover the genetic, microbial and environmental sources of improper growth
  2. Microbiome-driven solution: We improve the plant microbiome with a targetted intervention, stimulating exactly the naturally-occuring probiotic microbes needed to achieve a strong a robust plant growth.

Who we are

We are a team of passionate plant scientists, microbiologists and horticulture specialists dedicated to the improvement of plant production. We believe that sustainability and profitability are two sides of the same coin. To reach this vision, we have distilled decades of expertise in horticulture into an A.I.- driven microbiome improvement pipeline that makes plants so strong that they grow with less protection products, light and fertilizers. And all this fully naturally, without pesticides and GMO-free. Together with our partners and customers, we are making horticulture cleaner, safer and more efficient.


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